Jim Surjaatmadja

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Jim B. Surjaatmadja is a Technology Distinguished Engineer with Halliburton’s Technology Center in Duncan, Oklahoma; and has worked for Halliburton for 42 years. Prior to this he was project engineer for the Fluid Power Research Center in Stillwater, Oklahoma for 4 years; and system engineer for IBM in Jakarta, Indonesia. He is author of 126 technical papers, a textbook, 108 U.S. patents, and 363 International patents. Recently, he also co-authored a chapter in the new (2016) textbook, “Fracturing Horizontal Wells.” In 2003 he was recipient of the Melvin R. Lohmann Medal from Oklahoma State University. He holds an MS degree from the Institute of Technology of Bandung, Indonesia; and an MSc and a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Oklahoma State University. Dr. Surjaatmadja is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Oklahoma. He is Life Fellow of ASME, and member of SPE.
As an inventor, his inventions spans from computer systems, robotic vision systems, wellhead isolation tools, laboratory instruments, and lately, hydrajet perforating and fracture stimulation. In stimulation, he was one of the first in introducing Pin-Point stimulation in horizontal wellbores, inventor of SurgiFrac and Cobramax and others, such as complex fracture creation and modification of local stress anisotropies for doing so.


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